Assalam alaykum,
There is a reason why magic cannot be blocked.
Although I have made several attempts to block magic permanently but in vain. The magic can affect the victim despite all the blockages. I have seen a number of amils, buzurgs and babas at the shrines trying to break the black magic spell but not trying to block it, as it is simply not possible.
I have performed a number of Chillas and also given charity for various amals, such as zakat e akbar, zakat e kabahir, zakat e akbar al kabahir, yet the magic gets blocked only upto 80% maximum. Some part of it does affect the victim at any cost due to the following reasons:
Lets take the example of Prophet Mohammad (SAW),
1 His namaz was the best.
2 His religiousness was the ultimate.
3 His prayers were sincere and accepted by Allah
4 His heart was full of Allah’s love
5 His mode of conduct was the best
6 He himself was the best amongst the human beings.
7 Whatever our beloved Prophet would say, would be heard by Allah.
8 He is the best in both the worlds.
9 His recitation and pronunciation of the holy Quran was the best.
10 His wazaaifs were the best.
11 His intentions were principled
12 His sweat smelled like a fragrant ittar
13 He was punctual with the namaz always.
14 Allah accepted the his worship he did in the Cave Hira
15 He never harmed any body in his life
16 He was the head of all the prophets who were sent by Allah.
….and a lot more can be said in his praise. All the offices, websites and the data storage of all the PCs would not be enough. They would fall short of enough space which is required to praise him.1,24,000 Prophets have preceded him, but he was the most superior of all
So when black magic could harm such even our Prophet Mohammad (SAW), then we do not figure any where. We are much inferior to him and cannot hold a candle before him.
People have high expectations from some amils and believe that they can wipe out black magic forever. However this is far from true. Our beloved Prophet knew of a lot of wazaifs. Yet he was vulnerable to black magic. So how can we become immune to this sorcery?
I hope I have succeeded in making my point clear. If the magician is casting spells continuously then instead of vainly trying to block magic and having an illusion that it can be permanently blocked, it is better to keep breaking the magic spells as and when they are cast upon by the magician.
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Remember me in your prayer
amel soname