Assalam ualiqum,
Hisar means a kind of a halo of protection. In the world of amalyaat this is a very useful barrier of protection in which the amils can peacefully carry on with their amals without any fear of any enemy, whether devil or satan. This is mainly because the hisar is similar to a fortress with high walls and protection around it, to prevent one from the enemy.
When an amil tries to bring certain types of moakkils and jinnat under his control, he takes the help of the hisar. The moakkils and jinnat are quite powerful, but they get overpowered by the hisar. They try to create disturbances during the amal which the amil does to bring them under his control. However, since the amils are in the ring of protection , or hisar, they cannot come near him. Beyond the hisar, they try their level best to distract the amil or make him surrender. They do not wish to lose their freedom because once they come under the control of an amil, they may have to obey him at any cost. They try to scare the amils from far by showing them ghastly visions such as their near and dear ones getting killed etc. However, these are just desperate attempts made by the jinat to avoid getting caught. So they should be ignored and not taken seriously so that the amal completes successfully.
The prayers for doing hisar:
1 Before starting the amal, one should read Surah Al Hamd, Ayatalkursi and the 4 Quls thrice and blow it over a finger. Then an imaginary, complete circle should be drawn around oneself. Care should be taken not to leave any space, so the circle should be drawn in such a way that no space is left for the jinat to enter the hisat to harm the amil.
2 During the amal of haazraat, Ayatalkursi, 4 Quls should be followed by this prayer:
After reading them they should be blown over oneself and read once again to blow it only on one finger to draw a hisar around oneself.
In the amal for moakkils a very strong hisar is required. However, since an amil is totally safe within the hisar, so there is no need to worry. Before starting the amal, this dua should be read thrice and blown on ones finger or a knife and a complete circle should be drawn for protection around oneself. Later on this same dua should be read thice again and blown over oneself to further strengthening of the hisar.
Amel soname contact
Salamu 3alaikum,
I am on your website alot of intresting information!
I am reading the section on Hisaar, it can be done without the need to control or master a jinni correct? (just for protection purposes)
Furthermore if you could re write the number 3(dua i belive) i cannot read it properly and attatch more information on this section 4 me please?
Another thing if you dont mind an individual who has been possesed and the jinni destroyed, do you know of any special surahs to cleanse the body chakras and spiritual body mind body and everything else and return it to its normal state?
Wa salamu 3alaikum wa Rahmatu Lah
Asalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Everyone,
I have had a very sore head for the past 2 - 3 weeks and on the left side of my brain i have had a lot of pressure and when i lean down (like during Salat) my brain hurts so much and when i cough the same pain rushes though my left side of my brain, i have just been to the doctor and he is very concerned for me so he has written to the local hospital for me to see a nuerologist to see what this issue is about, it could be a blood vesel that has opened up or worst case it could be a brain tumor, oh Allah (Subhanallah Wa Tuallah) please forgive me of my sins and help me to get better soon and add me to those pious ones in paradise, please accept my good deeds and my efforts to bring people to Islam as You brought me to Islam and i am forever thankful to you for this as too for my Iman, my family and my health, You have given me life and brought me away from sin, i ask your pardon for anything bad i have done intentionally and unintentionally since i have been a practising Muslim and i ask that you forgive me, my family, friends and all on this group of their sins too Ameen.
Please everyone, i ask only that you make constat dua in your daily 5 prayers for me and In Sha Allah they will be accepted Ameen.
assalam o alaikum amel gee,i am tahira i am 40 year old .my life is very difficult my one marriage failed then i get marriage again but still i am not happy .my husband in london i want to go with him but embassy didnot not give me visa .please tell me when i will go london ,tell me someone do jadoo on me .please guide me help me ,i read about u in the internet then i have some hopes with you.i will wait for your reply .Allah Hafiz
My Name is Ismed and I live in England
I was searching through the internet, and found your website.
I need your help with Amal. I do not know any Amel in where I live.
I do not know where to start and how to start Amal.
Can you help please?
Asalama_o-Allkium Sir,
how are you i hope you are fine with the Grace of Allah. My father has got black magic spell on him by his family members brother and sister and brother's wife.
we are 3 sister and one btrother and my father hate us from the day one we were born and he hates my mother even. they are living unber one roof in on house but are sepereated this is since they got married tel me what to do if any phone number you have tell me
Dear Bhai,
my name sharif i am from Bangalore,(INDIA).
Actually i want know whether somebody has done blackmagic on me , or something else and how it can cured,
dear bhai as i am married i dnt have any work , i am not getting work for me iam in full trouble and tensed ,, no money with me , i cannot make out what to do,, i have many problems in home also ,,,, i want to get rid of this,, and come up if life ,,
Please bhai some how help me , money wont stand with me it will finished very soon i cannot able to save the money ,, pleasee bhai feel free to ask any questions related to this ,, please some how help so that i ll get a job ,, waiting for your earliest response..
Assalam o alaikum
sir i need your help now a day we are very upset our some relative we have not good relation with them,they are very famous doing the kala jadoo one month ago my brother he fight with them they challenge him that very soon we will teach you the lesson till that day my brother health is very upset he become unconscious (bayhosh) and fell down all medical report are clear .
i think may be is affecting by kala jadoo they people are very dangerous,l request you please provide some treatment or help us please , i am waiting your reply please , JAZAK ALLAh.
As salam alai kum
I m wasim from delhi ,india.
recently we hv contcted to a maulana he said that some one has done
black magic on us.
we are not getting success in iur financial status,i m not getting
success in my career.how ever no one is suffer from any dieseas .but
we are not financialy storng gettng so much financial promblm again n
can u gv me some basic tips to overcm on these problm
Dear sir I am facing real big Trouble these days.specially with my health .what ever i want to do is not working good for me.
From a long time i am facing stomach problem and my eyes are always burning.
i think someone has done blackmagic on me..can u plz help me how to come out with it..
I am facing lot of bundish,since of 1982 till now in life iam creeping hon. am basically police officer from paistan but used to come in Canada always used to earn hilal rizq,no bribe or lust but I try for good things like I served in united nations and is impressed by that organization they pay good money tried in million giving/applying applications, took written tests and result ZERO.
· Please write your contact details along phone etc to see you in person I want to come back to Pakistan ASAP.
I went to lahore for study 4 years ago and i was having a very good health then. and i passed my first 2 semesters with great marks. but suddenly after that i dont know what happened , my eyesight was effected, i started hating to go to college and in result my papers started to fail suddenly. whenever i tried to study it felt that my mind has fog in it. and my body started getting fat even though i dont eat much. and also coughing all the time and tried every medicine but did not help. although i have asthma alergy but that cough was different. then in 2011 january i came to canada to complete my study and first month was ok but in 2nd month suddenly red marks appeared on my neck and upper body. and after those marks , after 1 week at night i started to feeel pain in my chest , checked the doctor but ECG was good. didnot made test because my medical is not covered and very expensive here , i checked to a pakistani hakeem he checked my urine and diagnosed that liver is not working properly and acidity is created. but heart is ok. i dont know why i m having chest pains, acidity, and liver disfunction and that is not cured even after a full year of eating medicine. all the time i have unknown fear in my heart. i get discourage very easily. i am not getting a job. feel very week.
then i got engeged in canada in april and nikkah was planned in september but due to some reasons it was postponed to december and done safely. rukhsati not done yet. my wife loved me alot for 3 weeks after nikkah but suddenly she started to hate me. whenever she went with me somewhere she talk to me but dont look at me wen i ask her to look at me, she look outside of car. and now 1 month ago she said she dont want to live with me. she want divorce.
kindly tell me what should i do. tell me quranic method that i can do becuz i cant tell my wife as she live with her parents. so everything has to be done by me.
o forgot to tell u that when i was in pakistan , in our house there was water drop a lot of time from somewhere, even we changed the house but same happened. even blood drops. and my pant was having some holes as someone took pieces from it. but plz tell me with detail about my health chest pains, and my wife problem.
Jazakalla brother
asalaamulaykum my husband has waited 18 yrs to be with me . now we together 6 yrs he is not the same person his eyes changes so hatefull when looks at me he doesnt remember calling me the most hurtfull names he doesnt remember things he does he converted to islam but doesnt want to listen to learning he sleeps toooo much his stomach looks like he swollowed a ball. he was a size 38 now he is a 46 he doesnt stop eating . any advise
I just stepped on lime, strange the fruit is orange in colour, but smells like lime.
It may have been placed by my ex-husband.
Would like to seek your advice on how to remove the ill effects?
Assalamu alaikum
i have been suffering from blackmajic past 15years due to this problem im ill all the time i had ruqyah 2 months ago mashallah im 80% better still im having problems i cant get married my ex husband has stopped from that from happening as he told me before we seperated
please help me
Salam ALeykum Amel
i have found you in internet while i was searching for some important material. i want to tell you my story so may be you can help. i am form Azerbaijan, Baku and we are muslims. some of us do namaz but some do not. but we still believe in Allah and read Quran.
a year ago my father started yoga lessons. and after yoga he refused from meat and started eating only vegetables and chicken and fish. then he said that his energy can heal everyone. each time i was complaining to my headache he put his hand on my head and says that he is passing energy through my body.
nowadays he came to my mother crying and said that he has to know Kelmeyi SHehadet. and he said that he is talking to Propet Mohammad and he is asking for Kelmeyi shehadet otherwise he will go to hell. then he suddenly started making namaz not even knowing what to do. he is behaving strange, talking strange. he is getting weakear and he does not eat anything. i want him back:( may be its black magic. i dont know. he is a very kind person and trys to do only good things to everyone. he do not sleep, he is always silent ...talking to himself. he reads Quran and cries again.
i need your advice. in sake of Allah help me
My problem is that I was quite well to do had a huge security company. We started loosing everything and now we don't have any posestions not even a house every time we try to start something or try to find work its like a blockage is done and also he goes into a dwal and his tongue comes out his mouth. Please assist us. Shukr. Wen I start work or re open my company I don't mind even paying for the help. My dads name is Ahmed Hoosen his mothers name is Khairoon Nisa. Please reply to me and let me know what's happening. Shukr maaf for the disturbance. Salam
Iam second wife reshma and my husband has suddenly absconded from last two months because of first wife afraidness and now he is vanished with no single fault of mine he was very good to me and kept all good relation and suddenly giving me nervous down shock he left me and vanished without any reason without any thing informed to me wallahi iam with him since last 10 years his name is mohammed khaja parvez i want him to come back IAM COMPLETELY LOST for his hidden abscond..i want him to do my justice i dont want him to cheat me or injust me iam mentally depressed and lost myself coz for my no fault he is ABSCONDED iam in nervous break down stage and i thought to SUICIDE also please let me know how i can see him back
please say me will he come back
Is there any way u can tell me whther I have black magic on me or not
kindly reply
my husband has left me with 2 small kids for a girl with whom he is in affair with,and i suppose
the girl has casted magic on him as he was never that before and used to luv kids now it is totally opposite,plz
can u suggest me some way as to remove magic casted on him and he started hating me very much all of sudden.
plz help me
Assalam you alakoum
My name is ahmad im 22 years old i live in australia I really need help I have trouble breathing an fast irregular heart beats I have gone to drs nothing shows an I'm healthy I eat right And bodybuild 4 days a week .. i was loosing weight day by day i lost about 20kilos in 3months i know smoke 1-2 cigfaretes a day i started praying last year an have been praying since n fasting and only eating halal foods and got married but ever since my marriage until know I have had bad fights with my wife like on a daily basis and when i see her im angry and I have had bad dreams including snakes crocodiles and swimming in deep water and also seeing a black shadow in a half sleep half awake position an was paralysed to the bed while lien down like I couldn't get up an when I thought I was dreaming I wasn't .. My mother in law had bought me a hijab to wear an eventually it disappeared I lost it and when I asked her were she purchased it from i went N bought the exact same one they were only worth 5dollars but the one I bought was a lot more thinner like the inside wasnt full as much as the one I had and it also had professional stitching unlike the old one were it looked tampered with .. i haven't seeked for any help cause every1 just asks for money and I didn't really believe in black magic till I met my wife's family and things I hear from people .. Please if u have a contact number I can call u on it would be a great help! Please
I few questions about black magic please?
I want to know if im a victim of black magic.
thank you
AssalamoAlikum sir please help me. My mom is suffered from black magic she is ill. For Allah sake help my mom. How could I contact you? If you could do this please acknowledge me.
Assalamalikum Amelji
My name is Amin and i am facing lot of problems in life like no success(taraqi or stability),debts,average salary and no raise in the salary from past few years and also i have deviated from my field career wise,very less scope or no scope of my current job in different companies, loss in almost everything in what ever i invest for the sake of family ,business or extra income etc, some times i will also get frustated from life, i have been married for 2 years from and have one year baby girl but marriage life is also not going good.
Please suggest me or advise or guide me with some good and genuine n aalim who can help me out with istikhara and ruhaani ilaj and also please let me know if you only can help me out with this , i would be very much thank ful to you and also let me know if you want me to send any more personal details .
dear brother
assalamu alaikkum
iam manaf from india.. iam a regular reader of your blog.. i do agree with you about the catogory of jinns and shaithaans.. my story is un believable one.. my age is 33 from the age of 16 iam a victim of sihr.. i didnt believe it first.. but i saw dream continueously, the people, the place, and the sihr thing, i could realise it is true.. i used to approach many scholars to remove it.. after many years, i found some aya, know n as QAAF aya.. and i used to remove sihr by reciting it, and it was very effective.. i recited the complete quran
i found your website on google and was wondering if you can help me, i believe someone has put magic on me and my husband we recently traveled to morocco for vacation and ever since then we have so much hate for each other we cant even stand to be in the same room, we need help we have a small baby together, i saw the verses to read for 40 days the problem is i do not read arabic my husband does though, do you know of anyone is vancouver b.c that can come and help us break this magic. inshallah .
thank you, salam alakum.
Dear sir,
I am a loanly mother with 3 children. My first son is 24 years. When he was 14½years he met a swedish family and he listen theirs bad advice that make my son not to love me or his 2 brothers. I am having problem about 10 years. I suspect black magic from father can be made my son this way. I just dont know. I want my son to love me and contact me and have very good relationship.
Can you do any magic? I need help and I am crying after myson for 10 years. I will write more after your reply if you can help me.
thank you.
Assalamu alaykum
I had magic done on me and it was recurring magic, different kinds. Now I have a good JINN helping me but now they cast the same spell on my sister. How do I prevent this? And how do u stop all types of jadoo coming upon my family, I am looking for a big shield to protect me and my family so no type of magic and jinns can enter us, and these magicians have jinnat in their thousands, how can I stop them working for the magician?
I am suffering from black magic and frustration and fear of bad people and misfortune ..how to get rid of it ?
Assalam alaikum Amel bhai,
Hope your doing well by the grace of Allah.I am in desperate need of your immediate help.I dont know where to start from.My story is not unusual but its responsibility is entirely mine.I was involved with a drug addict for two years and hadnt realized the extend of his dependency until one day he forcibly hit me.His parents had also come to my house for a rishta but things it not progress because he went away to canada ,after a lot of trouble he came back to pakistan and it was decided that we would be married.This guy staryed acting weird and i distanced myself.He took my facebook /hotmail passwords and morpohed my pictures and send then to my family and friends including my brothers.I came from a very conservative islamic family and this was very shocking to them including me.He made up a lot of lies against me ,stained my reputation and being a girl everyone pointed fingers at me.My father doesnt want to see my face and i am locked in my room crying all day for i dont have the strength to face him.can u please do a wazifa for me or give me something to read so my father comes upto me himself and talks to me nicely so that there is some reham in his heart for me.
My name is Abunoman . I am in bronx, NY. I am in family, social and financial troubles for about three years. and it seems to me situation is getting worse. I was out of work for about nine months. my wife and I argue over everything ever since we moved to our new apartment in 2009. I have lost all of my freinds. no body stays friendly to me more than certain time. I am afraid of everything and everybody. sometimes I am een afraid to look at anybody. I had fourty job interviews since I had lost my job but i havent been successful. Employers dont reply after the face to face interviews. I had been always successful in social, family and career life but I dont know what has been going on since 2009.
Please advice!
Allah Hafiz
Islam Alaykam I want to ask you a question about the importance of a hissar section on your site.
The second prayer that you got on there for useing to keep mukkuls under control in rituals
What is the name of the prayer.
plz help me
Plz translate the prayers. I am a hindu and cannot read them.
Hi, I would like to know more about the two prayers and how to go about doing them.
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