The magic spell cast by the devils themselves can also be reversed. However, when the magic is flung back at the devil, he reaches the victim within fraction of seconds. He tries to cast more dangerous spells on him or he may try to disturb the victim during the amal.
Therefore it is essential to do hisar before starting this amal so that the devil may not come anywhere near the victim or inside his body of the victim.
The amal should go on without any interruption so that the devil gets thrown off the balance. This amal is a little risky due to a direct encounter with the magician devil. Hence my above mentioned posts must be read carefully before starting this amal.
The procedure for the amal is as follows:
Read Durud shareef 11 times before and after reading verse 4 of Surah Hud.
إِلَى اللَّهِ مَرْجِعُكُمْ ۖ وَهُوَ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدِيرٌ ﴿٤﴾ (4)
'To Allah is your return, and He hath power over all things.'"
Pray before Allah to help in reversing the magic towards the doer and read the specific dua as many times as possible for the amal to be more effective.
as salam ali kum
i am writting you this with very hope after reading from your blog.
i think that i am a victim of black magic or any sort of shifli amal the reason behind this is that i am not been able to do any thing successfully in my life there are always many hindrances as a result they are left i a half way this has also effected my personal life. at present i am going with the relationship problem with many difficulty i was been able to give my time all was going good then all of a sudden everything changed.i need help i offer my namaz on time i pray to allah to help me in my hardship. i want a istakhara where i am a victim of any sort of black magic or any shifli amal.
I have severe headaches my whole body is in pain especially legs , feet and chest and back directly behind chest like something is stabbed into it .
My eyes are red gritty and at times have lightning pains in eyes and head , i have very fast heart beats difficulty in breathing along with chest pains get tired very easily can't walk for long my legs are always hurting it feels like knives are being stabbed sometimes pain is so bad i can't even bend my legs . I am very depressed irritated full of anger short tempered no patient very frustrated can't think straight always angry very irritated having a lot of fights arguments with my wife over trivial matters my face especially eyes are so dark and dull look so much older than my age,anxious loss of confidence no courage memory has become very very weak , my sleep has disappeared i can not go to sleep and the little bit of sleep i have is full of nightmares snakes, dogs chasing me and water oceans surrounding me i'm stuck in the middle with no way out, sometimes am fearful in my dreams , am always tired and lazy i don't want to do anything always worried , body feels like pins are being inserted into it. my stomach is mostly hurting and i spit blood sometimes , i have red spots on my chest area , i feel dizzy and everything goes black i don't even understand what happens to me , sometimes i feel the urge to have so much sex but then am unable to have it properly .Everything i do goes against me .
My main reason for writing to you is that in 2007 some people fraudulently took my money , it is a lot of money which i borrowed from bank and people . For these six years i have gone through a lot of hardship , i am in so much debt up to my eyeballs and am afraid of losing the only house i live in to the bank, i am in severe debt and am finding it difficult to make both ends meet, i cannot find a way out of this debt which is adding more misery to my life ! The people who took my money are in Spain i only have their names which i sent the money to, I read a lot about you that you help people , i am writing to you with this hope that In Shaa Allah you will help me in getting my money back, i am convinced that In Shaa Allah you will help me as i mentioned before i am in so much debt that i can hardly meet my expenses , once upon receipt of my money in Shaa Allah i will pay you , i know it's very hard to trust anyone these days as i have learnt from my experience but in Shaa Allah i will pay you .It's been so many years that everything i do i fail, i can't achieve anything in life my work has really taken a turn for worse there is no barakah in my earnings . I have been trying to pass my driving test for the past 16 years but can't i have failed a lot of them even the instructors are baffled because my driving is very good but on the test something suddenly happens that i fail the test ! I have a test booked in a few days time PLEASE could you advise whether i should cancel or go ahead and take it i really don't have the money and i don't want to fail either , if there is any wazaif so i could pass In Shaa Allah let me know .May Allah reward you immensely for you are helping other muslims in need and Allah has mercy on those who show mercy to his creation .
JazakAllah looking forward to hearing from you soon . In Shaa Allah.
hi, i am a 15 year old indian boy and i want to inform u that few years back i was doing well in studies ....i was the ranker of my class but these days i prepare much but i cant get marks enough.......and i cant concentrate even i know and i realize that i am not doing well and i should improve bt till i cant do any thing .......so plz. help me out....
is there any spell or something else ....plz do something my board exams of class 10th are much near........
there are many magic ways given on internet but i dont want to do these all because i think thel i will b also part of devils....and u know that any thing we do will come back in three folds..................................
can u plz. give me suggestion & help me out...............plzzzzzzzzzzzz..
assalamualikum, my name is Fahad i am from india. i want help from you. from more than a month ive been reading your blog and also searched u on facebook today finally.i am my self suffering from magic but i listen to your jalali amal and i feel relief i am not able to study properly i completely lost control on my self i m addicted and mixed up in wrong actvities i am not able to study i fail each time i dont remember anything what i read i am not able to understand anything i dont read namaz i dont read quran im completly lost from islam earlier i wasnt like this i was weak in studies but i was able to study but now i became like a fool i want to know that who is that who has done magic on me bcos i want to know that people so that i can stay away and be alert from them i want your support pls reply me thank you.
My sister age 36 years old mother of four is suffering from acute liver disorder and acute hepatitas A , she has become unconscious.
Please let me know wazifa to relieve her ailment and cure.
salam i have a big problem there is a girl who is in love with me but is trying to break our marriage up she always get jealous when she sees me with my wife.
she has been swearing at me and my wife for a long time and once i did the same to her now she has opened a police case against us and made false accusations and has false witnesses.
the police took me for questioning and i told them the truth story but since she has false witness i believe everything will backfire on me the police have taken my phone and computer it has been over a month now and i am very very worried i have done wazifa but i am not getting anywhere.
please can you do istikhara for me and give me some advice on what should i do.
Dear Amel So Name
5 people keep insulting me and insult me in front off people and no matter how much I insult em back they don't stop insulting me what so ever. Can you please give me a wazifa so that when I do the wazifa to shut their mouths so they never insult me ever again.
Dear Brother
I knew from the website. Brother i have been married to my husband for more then ten years. My husband do not listen to me and do not like any thing of my he gets angry and fight with me for without a good reason. I cannot read and write urdu.
There have been severral powerful spells repeatedly being cast upon us, we would be grateful if you could impart some prayer about reversing them
Assalam oalaikum Amel saheb. I read your blogs online and wanted to consult you about my problem. I lost my job suddenly about a year ago after a 20 year successful career with the same employer and have faced repeated blockages in finding new employment despite my long experience. Can you please suggest a wazifa ? I pray five times a day and Quran regularly. I performed Hajj last year and infact lost my job one month after returning.
Please also let me know your hadiya and I will arrange to send to you.
I came across your articles on the internet about black magic and its cure. Is there any way I can find out if such a spell has been cast on any member of my family and also the individual's identity who has done such an act.
Thank you!
dear brother
I am a very religious mouslim immigerate to usa recently , praying to allah very much reciting quran BUT I AM IN SEVEAR FINANCIAL PROBLEMS UNABLE TO FEED MY WIEF OR MY KIDS
Assalamu alaikum,
My name is Raza and I live in Mumbai, India. I was a catholic and now converted to Islam 6 yrs back. I am married . I have a son 4 yrs old . We are married for 5yrs now. We have always been very happy and much in love. All our family and friends spoke about how much we loved each other.
I had an argument with my wife on 20 May 2013 and she was very angry and said that she would leave me. I was worried because I love her very much. I thought that I could not live without her. I tried to end my life, and in that rage of anger hit her with a knife. I was in prison for 3 months. I am out of the prison and I miss my wife and son very much. I did not want to hurt her but it just happened. I don't know how that happened. I am begging my wife to come back home and forgive me. But she is not ready to forgive me and does not want me. She does not even talk to me. She has blocked my mobile number. I am very worried.
I have met many maulana's to pray for us. They have all tried for almost 40 days now. All say that she will come back and everything will be fine. But I do not see any sign. I have not seen my son for more than 5 months now. It's more than 5 months now, when will this be improved
All signs show that she has not forgiven me and she does not want to come back. She has taken all her clothes, her documents and jewellery. And now she has even switched her phone off. Her family is supporting her and they too do not want me.
I require your help. I love them both very much. I am very sorry that I hurt her and all this happened. But I know and pray to Allah this will never happen again.
Please help me and let me know if my wife will forgive me and come back home. When will she start talking to me and come back to me. when will i be able to see my son. And will you do this with the help of a Jinn.
Allah Hafiz
my family suffering from curse last 16 years, because of that my mother was lost , my little sister suffering from prolonged illness last 10 years i am also suffering from that curse my brother also ill, my one sister got married but not happy in her marrital life. i am desperate of your help please help me please.
I have black magic problem, My enemy is constantly doing evil spells on me, ever since I was born, I know who the magician and the enemy is, but I have done everything possible to end the affect but nothing has worked. Things are getting worse. Please Please help me find a solution to solve this problem, please tell me how can I contact you. Please guide me how can I fight this enemy. I need your contact number so I can tell you the details. I have been to a lot of people but no one has been able to find a solution, everyone turned out fake. You are my last hope.
I got your details on the internet,my brother has a jinn and jadoo with a few of her body guards troubling him for a good fews years.
We have been to numerous aamils and this jinn is just to clever and strong for anyone of them to sort out.Few of the aamils say they have klled
Her but she returns same day.They kill the body guards but then she gets new recruits the jinn is in love with my brother.We basically at a dead end
don’t know what to do.I live in Johannesburg South Africa.Do you know anyone who can treat a serious and difficult case like his or maybe if you can also treat him.
We would be willing to fly a good reputable aamil out to South Africa to help him out if need be.
Respected sir,
Pls help me as I am in great trouble.my problem is that from a very long time almost around last 15 years I am trying my best but despite putting in best efforts I am not succeeding in any work. I am idle at home not getting any work I tried to start a business but unfortunately I am facing difficulties in early periods.
Secondly, from few years my health has badly gone down I was perfectly alright few years back but now I am suffering from so many diseases.i have a doubt that something is wrong with me that is why I am seeking your help for God’s sake. Kindly help me and guide me what to do.
Dear Amel,
i need some advice.
I have married to a somalian girl from Jijiga in Ethiopia two years ago and I feel that she do magic in house. the clothes i wear and the pillows they all smell have a very annoying smell (like shit) in some spots like one side of a pillow and back of my jacket collar and some times her neck.
she loves to watch magic movies and she sometimes talks about her father that used surah to magic people and some shit like this. she never let me met her family and just some fake cousins who turned out to be her friends later.
she completely denies smelling anything from the clothes and tells me that im crazy.
She has a very hot body like a heater and gets serious headaches every often.
How do you think about these things i told you and what do you suggest me to do to stop her?
hazarat, please do istekhara for me and tell me a whether i have a physical problem or a black majic and also give the solution of the same.I have a headache problem from last few years and doctor said that you have a minor depression.
It was very unfortunate to read that there is no permanent way of blocking black magic specially when one is continously being targeted again and again, well you may say that me or my family should approach a good Alim for some solution, but im sure you are aware that nowdays this has become a business by most people and they only are interested in money, we know one Alim since years but how does it feel to know that even the know Alim is finding it very difficult to even break those spells being cast nowadays.
my family and myself are bearing this burden in the name of Sabar (patience) as Allah tells us to but i feel there is a limit to how much a normal human being could bear. Specially when the main reason for being targeted is our life, many occasions my family has had narrow escapes from death, if a women has periods its scheduled to be for 5 to 7 days but in my family 1 person who is regular in her prayer has it for 2 to 3 months continously, including this ramzan, she spent an entire month without the fruits of ramzan, her periods only stops when the Alim sits personally in front of her for some hours of zikar. but after a few months it starts again and this is going on since 1.5 years, now you can only imagine the amount of pain and trouble that person has been through and is still being targeted. A lady Specialist doctor after seing all reports and trying for months turned and once asked if we believe in Dargah, because she realized it was not a
medical problem although a non-muslim she said that.
i am having a good salary but after 2 or 3 days after i receive im left with nothing, my loans keep piling up, there is no barakat in our house or money, the reason there are troubles made for our lifes is jealousy. We know the person who is doing this since years, we were frustrated on many occassions and even wanted to revert those spells only to be told its not correct,
The person is continously doing it because we havent replied back and only keep bearing things, the lady is refered to as DAYAN by the Alim we know, he says he has spent most of his life trying to help people geting cured and has seen many cases but never saw a lady as dangerous as the one who is our enemy, she approaches black magician who are mostly bangali and powerful.
my income is in a complete mess, i want to do something for my parents specially send them for Hajj, but im not coming out of my burden of loans. im 37 now and not sure how long im going to earn or what im going to do if i lose my job, i have no savings after earning for 12 years, nor do i spend unwisely infact i have to think twice before buying even something i like to eat.
i always thank Allah for how i am today and for still protecting us till today.
If there is no permanent cure nor permanent way of blocking black magic then here is what i want to ask,
1) should we keep spending our entire life just breaking these continous spells.
2) there is loss of money and pain to bear in this procedure, how long should we bear more since we are still bearing this for the last 18 years.
3) we know the person doing it but cannot prove it, nor can we do anything to that person.
i have prayed for Allah to take revenge, i have looked for duas that could make that person stop but things dont work, could you tell what should be done to minimise things atleast, is there a way Allah could curse that person so we could get relief. kindly guide.
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