Some types of black magic spells can get a person caught in legal hazards by getting him sued. This is mostly done by envious relatives who try to spoil his life in trying to get out of the clutter. The victim has to waste a lot of wealth in trying to defend himself and save himself from imprisonment, false charges etc. In spite of all the attempts that he makes, he is unable to get justice.
Hisar is essential before starting the amal. (Its has been mentioned in my previous posts).
After reading any durud shareef which you know for 11 times read verse 4 of Surah Yunus and in the end repeat the durud shareef 11 times. The more the number of times you read this special prayer, the more will be the reversal of the black magic.
After finishing the amal, one should pray to Allah help in to reversing the spell towards the magician.
Assalam alaikum
i am having lots of problems, my marriage is in such a condition it might break, i have lost my job and suffering from financial crash, all relatives and friends are against me in what ever i do. please help me in knowing what is going on in my life.
R u there.
Salaam Walaikum it's a request bcoz I'm in the huge problem n I'm facing this from last 8 years n I don't know who has n for what they had done black magic at me. Plz can u help me out in this problem
Aslam o Alikum,
I have read ur articles at net..I really need ur help if u read my msg and can help me pls reply me bak i seriouly need ur hlep
i feel magic on my husband i hope u reply me bak pls pls pls reply me i'll tell u my problem thn pls reply me soon
i am suffering from disease and have been since childhood i also identified burning pain in stomach however now i identified it in my whole body and it controls me inside coud u identify it through ur Hisab
Assalamu aleikum,
I was reading on your webpage about kala jado. I have had a big problem in my life and i sendt an mail to a person i found on internet and qari who says he has solutions to all problems. I had nikah in febuary and few weeks later we had a lot of misunderstanding and he does not want me any more. He has applied for seperatoin and after a year we can apply for divorce. our familes hate each other and my familie does not even like if i talk about him. the qari told me that someone has done magic on me. I am not sure if it is really to belive or if he is just aftere to recieve money from me.. he wants me to snd him money tomorrow so he can help me... plz help me...
Hello Assalam-o-Alaikum !
I got to know about you from one of my relative.
Actually my family is going through a little bad phase of life as life gives us delight and sadness one after another. It cant remain same. it has ups and downs.
We are a family of 8. My Father, Mother, 2 brothers and 4 sisters. Of which 2 sisters and 1 brother got married.
But the problem is coming after that as from last 6 years we are trying to get my 3rd elder sis get marry but all in vain..Many Proposals came and went away with no response. After her marriage there is 2 siblings I and my youngest brother. we think its now high time she should get marry as she is 30 now.
Another problem is my father has become short tempered. He does not take any interest in doing any of the work get done on time. also he has some plots which he wants to sell but not getting any success.
Please suggest is there any problem in our house or something else. how to get rid of all these problems, please we need your help.
Dear brother sister in Islam, I urgently need your advice I have been the victim of black magic and went through divorce,I lost my children to my ex husband,but then got them back,i have 4 children,I am going through court again my ex husband has opened the case again, I have lost all my family,friends and lost all my money and everything,the whole court and judge has turned against me and I could loose my children again,I have tried everything but no one is able to help me,I am beginning to feel ill and forgetting things sometimes.
I want to win the court case and keep my children,I have been advised from anonymous person in my ex husband family that he is using help of taweez and jinn to win the case and take my children and make me ill.Please can you help me I am not sure what to do,should I listen to Jalili mokelat recitation to get rid of black magic,and then try to get help from either fatiha moakkils or is it dangerous for me to do this,I have 4 small children and don't want to fall ill or have a bad result from the amal.Please will you help me,I will pray to Allah from the bottom of my heart that He grant you a very high place in Jannah,in return for your help. My court case is in 11 june, I have tried to contact so many people for help but every one refuses and I have no hope left. If you know a good amil please help me jazakallah khair
i am a mechanical engineer.now preparing for getting government services and upsc. i am getting
a lots of trouble in my studies also not able to concentrate on studies when i will start
studies my mind distract here and there some kinda heaviness prevailing in my head.will you
tell me is this done by someone who dont wanna me to stand my foot to this kinda some
psychological effect of my mind.as m engineer by qualification i don't believe in such type of
black magic at all before.but continuously m facing trouble since long time so that i went to
one of known maualana also he is muajjil of that masjid he told me that some of my close
relative doing all this kinda a black magic like shifli (dirty and bad magic ) they dnt wanna
me to grow and happy.will you pls tell me who are they so that am beware of them in future.also
my family too facing lots of trouble specially in my father`s job.i wanna reverse it affect to
them who are ding all kinda mischief in my life and how will i be able to grow my career and
stand on my foot.pls looks after it as soon as possible.i shall be thankful to you bother.i
wanna truth by any how.
Thanking you and Allah hafiz.
goodmorning........like am n big problem dunno wats happening around me.like am second married by a guy.he s already married living with his family along with two kids.he also married me in church but without anyone
he made problem in my family and my hubby divorced and he married another girl and he settled now.am stand alone with my kid.this guy nowadys refusing me not giving money for home not looking me and my kid always his family and wife his kids.my kid forget his dad fully now thinking this guy is real dad am confused dont know wat to do.plz help me out is there any blackmagic or normally he s like this.frankly he s telling if want b like this or getlost.
From the day of nikha, i have certain problems in my life. my relatives are jealous form me and my family. because we are well educated and financially good. after my marriage, my inlaws and my parents start hating each other. my husband hate my parents, instead he is my cousine.i have a daughter, who is of 9 months. i come to my parents home and now he didnt come to bring me back from two months. i have all the syptoms that you specify as " kala jado ke pehchaan". My brother wants to go abroad. but his work also didnt take place. he suffers from asthamaa. now do something for me .
i pray for you for our easy access to you....
Please help me ,i dont know whether im suffering from black magic or not ..but i face so many trouble in my life.please help me otherwise i will commit suicide please help me
Dear Sir,
I got your details from website -I am hindu man aged @ 35 ,I have tried hindu , islamic as well as christian remidies as I suffered due to unknown supernatural problem since last 10 years .But till time i have not get rid from this problem
I inspired to write to you as I found so many symptoms for black magic are matching to my problem as mentioned in your website such as ........
1) Contineous headache, bodypain, weakness,failure in weight gain and healthyness, nautia,acidity, heavy head and body , considerable movement in body ( head and back) burning sensation at neck and back, kidney stone problem, burning of bottom of feets,This symptoms are since last many year on regular basis... but even after medical treatment , no use
2) Dream of dogs and sneaks etc , due to which i used to get frightned in the dream.Dreams are such as to make me scared ,tense and shocked...like quarrel with spouse ,barking of dogs on me, fighting with somebody etc...
3) Even after lots of efforts , not able to get settled job in my 16 years careear , due to which not able to maintain bank balance after my 10 years of married life.In short financial probelm
4) Contineously thinking of my problems in life ....all the time planning on their remidies .......but not to act on solving the problem
As you wrote that differant types of magic has different types of symptoms......can you give any remedy to me reffering to above symptoms...I have tried few remidies from one of the Mufti ( Govandi,Mumbai) and Alim ( Khar road , Mumbai ) on my problem ...also visited Mira datar durgah , Mumbai and visited Thursday( 16 nos) alongwith so many remidies in my religion .But till date not get any permanent solution
Sir Pl help me with proper guideline or suggest me person who can help me..........waiting for your reply
I married a guy without my parents wish I loved him a lot and I thought that he loved me too he was already married but I didn't care about that I married him any. Than after 1 year I got pregnant Becoz I asked him that I want to be pregnant and he agreed remember I m still at my parents home 1 year after Nikah as he can not do anything to get me home. Anyways I got pregnant and than he took his first wife for treatment I think she had some problem that's why she could not concieve and he used to lie to me that I don't have sex with her that's why she is not pregnant. Anyways now when she got pregnanty husband asked me to abort my baby and marry someone else. Mujhay samjh nahi ati k Mein nay Os say pyar kiya is liya wo aysa kar raha hai meray sath. Meri madad ki jiya Allah may Shaid app ko mera waseela banaya ho. I want my baby and it's father.
asalamwalikum i have a problem my rishta was going on and then broke off .
the boy still wants to marry me but his parents are not accepting it and keep saying no .from my side family have tried to talk to the mother but she keeps refusing is there a amal you can do that his parents agree again ,would you be able to do the amal ?
Please reply back as soon as possible
Salam, since from 8yrs my ex-husband doing magic on me. I don't know is it black magic or through mawkkil. Because of his magic i m suffering from diseases of which i can't bear child. He has done magic on my whole family .recently i m staying with my new husband .i can't stay pure for every night . Wat else can i do. Pls help me. I want to be mother.u pray for me
I have been suffering from black magic for a long time and I have tried to get better by getting treatment. But now I am desperate. Someone has been continously doing sifli magic on me and my husband to break our marriage. I had nikkah done in Pakistan last year and ever since things have gone bad. I have lost all my money trying to break it but whoever is doing it on us has not stopped. They are continously doing magic on us and its come to a point where me and my husband are hating each other and I fear I will lose him. My health is so bad and they have been incidents happening where I almost lost my life. Please help me I am so desperate and have tried so many ilaj but Most of the people helped have said that this is the most complicated case they have seen. I dont want to give up. Please contact me and let me know how you can help. I have read your posts and feel you may be able to help. Its coming to a point where I think I will lose my life. I dont know what to do I have lost almost everything. Please you might be my last resort. Please Helppp!!!!!
Salaam. I am going through the toughest time. Last night my husband gave me talaaq 7 times. And they're saying now it's over and they wanted me to leave forever. I am at my aunts place they said they will send the divorce papers and haq mehr. I don't want this to end. Please help tell me some powerful wazifa with faster results. I want him to come to me and take me back home.
assalamualaikum..we r 4 members me my husband and 2 daughter .past so many year's im suffering n jadoo effect I am loosing my entire life struggling with problems. me and my husband always have some or other health problem.now it is effecting my children's also, they are also facing similar health problems which I face. I am very worried as they r still young and not yet got married. there should be a fullstop for this.kindly help me in islamic way.
plz send me your phone number and address so that I can explain all the problems in detail.
Dear Amel,
I Saw ur blogs on net about black magic..I have been recently undergone black magic on me which resulted in loosing one of my body part ....now black magic is removed as i went to one baba who had cured and protected me ..but one qestion is not going frm my mind is Who did on me and why?
Due to this i am unable to have any friendly terms with my relatives or friends ..i suspect every one and sometimes hate everyone has i have lost utrus ..which mean chances of having second baby.
Amel can u help me to find out who did this on me ? this will be Allahs work becoz u will save me and help me tp get back to life and people once again.
Be my angel Amel pls...i saw ur remdies i am not muslim so i do not know proper way to receit those prayers which u have mentioned...i need ur help and guidance.
Will pray for you till last breath .
Help me.
Hi sir,,! I hope you are doing good.. i was just going through your log need to ask you something as well as in need bit of your help in understanding some thing...
Salaam Sir,
i am helpless and in depression.
i am newly married but i don't know why i am not happy.
I am not in love with anyone, but i don't love my husband neither... and for me this is very bad.
I don't talk with him, and everytime he speaks it annoys me... why is that ?
i dont feel like going out with him..
my parents are very worried about me because they can see that i'm not happy.
Can You please help me ?
find out the reason of all that.
Koi aisa taweez bataein ke main apne husband ki dewaani hojaoon..
Please Sir help me...
I have been separated from my husband. He want to divorce me. Please give me a strong amal.
I have been married for about a year and lately I feel like he has change a lot. If I do good or bad he always argues. I listen to him and try my best to keep him happy but I feel like it backfires on me. We have also been trying to have a child but no luck yet. I want him to be a kind loving husband.
I hope you are well and in the best of health.
I have read some of your articles and MashAllah they are very informative and pray you are rewarded by Allah (swt) in both worlds for helping people Ameen.
I would be very grateful if you could kindly help me. Unfortunately I have a lot of problems in my life which have been caused by black magic. My mother in law is not of good character, she caused the break up of my marriage and did the same to her other daughter in law, she told us she has lived unhappy life with her husband and could not tolerate us with her sons. Neither me or my sister in law were at fault. I am practising Muslim Alhumdulillah and tried my best to save my marriage despite my mother in law and my husband treating me badly and now my husband is divorcing me for no reason because his mum told him to. I am deeply upset and devastated that they have ruined my life. I am now in my mid thirties, with no children and being from the asian culture the stigma of a divorce makes it very difficult for a woman to get married again. My mother in law openly continues to do black magic and attempts to harm me and my parents. It hurts me to see my harmless parents both who are practising, health suffering due to the effects of black magic.
Please could you kindly tell me something to read / dua to:
Protect me & my family
My divorce is going through the courts, something to read to get the best outcome and success
To get a good rishta soon so I can get married again, have a family and live a happy life as I will be 40 years old before I know it. (I had a few rishtay come but had no success as guys say Im too old, even though I am younger than the guy and slim and pretty, or that Im divorced or they make up excuses)
My mother in law said I will never get married again and will live unhappy life. She has done awful black magic I have very bad spots on my face now, Im feeling unwell, tired with no energy. Please help me I want to live a happy and peaceful life. Jazak Allah
Asalaamualaikum Hazrath,
My name is Sadaqathulla resident of bangalore India & bachelor by marital status. iam facing some issues iam not able to know wat is happening to me & my family. I have a small brother he has quit the college & he is not able to sit in the house always roaming with bad friends company inhailing whitner(kores) it doesnt come to his mind to study or go to college. I have a younger sister she hasnt got married yet we r not getting marriage proposals for her. Recently i sadaqathulla had got a job in saudi arabia, offer letter had also come medical also got over but i couldnt get the job.iam professionally qualified as an Electrical engineer i had worked in oman,qatar & i was back after 1 and half years. Iam not able to get a professional job of my field so iam working as a teacher. And to my notice there is always a fight in home for small things.there is no unity among family members,they oppose each other decissions.we had went to 2 to 3 amils but they couldnt do anything.They are only saying that Sifli amal has been done by somebody on the whole family.my fathers health also will not be good.He should be hospitalised twice in year.My mother health also is not good.Recently i read some of your 8logs regarding Sifli amaliyat.So I consulted you so please give us any positive solution for above related problems. Hoping for positive feedback from you.
Asalam o alaikum,
I live in Sialkot and i need your suggestion regarding a very swear problem we are facing from last 5 years. how can i talk to you directly so that i would be able to convey the right problem to you.
My family is badly effected by black magic, we have lost almost 50 tola of gold and alot of cash money, our things disappear from our lockers and nobody is able to tell where they go, a few spiritual scholars say that its because of black magic and we might need to leave our house in order to get rid of this problem. so kindly provide me a chance to talk to you directly and help me solve my problem.
Jazak Allah,
Dear Amel
Assaloalikum I read your posts . But we have got same problem like black magic . As you mentioned that for every kind of black magic there is different wazifa.
Our problem started from last year web we started constructing new house. For new house we used to take big amounts of money from bank to pay to contractor and labourers. And start noticing that the moment we brought money home with in 10minutes it used to be taken away by unseen forces. We contacted different Amels and they said that's it's magic can't retrieve the money but only can stop it from further damage. My mom recites Quran daily and does different wazifas given my Amels but nothing seems to be working. The environment at home is quite tense , everyone is irritable and in mood of fight . They are impatient and we are also having problems in getting good proposals . If we do get proposals they don't turn back . My mother is in severe depression becuz of ongoing problems and thinking about ending her life as she doesn't see any hope in anything . Her belief on Quran has been shattered (nauzibullah) and thinking if getting help from non Muslims and Hindus as she thinks nothing is working specially from quranic verses and Quran . Please help us in breaking this amel and getting rid of these problems. Allah will give you reward in this world and hereafter for helping us . AMeen
I saw some of your writings and what you said about black magic in net. Someone separated me from my husband for the last 50 days and I don't know what to do. My husband loves me so much and now I just pray to God and I am reading Quran to help me. I saw you said you can help with this kind of stuff. I wanted to now where do you live or your contact number so I can reach you. and how much do you take for breaking this kind of magic.
thank you so much
Hi, against magic: to read dayly 3 times Bakara 1 times Yunus. 2-3 years maximum.
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