Assalam alaykum,
A lot of people believe that if they reverse the spell that has been cast on them, they can get rid of this trouble forever. The magician will get a dose of his own medicine, thereby rendering him powerless.
But the truth is far from this. If a victim consults an amil and asks him to reverse the spell, then he may be digging his own grave. This is because the unscrupulous amils can take them for a ride. Reversal of spells may lead to a war and the victim may have to pay through the nose to protect him. As a matter of fact, the amils wait for such an opportunity because it aggravates the problem instead of solving it. The victim is then left without any option besides dishing out more and more money.
I think that a whopping 80% of the magicians work in tandem with devils. They order their devils to cast a spell on any person and the devils obey them. If the victim reverses the spell then the devil who is instrumental is casting it, has to face the brunt of the situation. He retaliates with a more lethal spell and thus begins a long drawn war.
If the spell has been cast by the magician, then he orders his devils to enquire about the person. Once the identity is established, a hell may lose break on the victim. This is primarily because magicians usually have thousands of devils at their beck and call. In case they do not have many, they may easily hire them in such an emergency. These devils attack the victim in hordes and cast spells on him one after another. As a result of this, the victim may even get killed, lose his sanity or may end up in a hospital in a serious condition. Since he may not have any one to protect him or to break the spells, he will crumble under the pressure of continuous black magic. An amil should be hired who would accompany him to keep a check on the situation. The amil should be an experienced and powerful one so that if the situation gets serious, he can handle it. These devils take around 5-10 years in getting wiped out completely. It does not make much sense to take revenge in such a case because how can anybody go on paying to the amils for so long? Moreover it has to be noted that when the magician causes a lot of harm to the victims although the victim has not done any thing against him, so what would he react if the victim actually fight with him? The amil who handles such a case should be an expert in killing the devils; otherwise the victim may end up in more trouble.
The proverb ‘look before you leap’ is applicable in case of taking revenge. It is advisable to weigh the pros and cons of reversing a black magic spell with black magic. It may cause irreparable damage to the victim and may cost him his life or a fortune in paying the amils.
I have read some of your solutions
I would like to know can you help me out with the reversal spells as you have warned that if the opponent amil is directly doing it then we have to be very carefull while reversing the spells.
Can you help me out with this.
i read somwhere you know how to reverse black magic i feel some one has done it on me is there any way of finding out of they have
i would be grateful if you can get bck to me asap an let me know
Hi Amel,
I need ur help urgently. I was going through the link which reverse black magic.
I and my husband are staying seperately and now a days he has changed a lot he doesnt
talk to me or meet me. I have left my daughter in my mom's house .
I met a uncle who does black magic he told that my mother in law and
sister in law have done black magic stating we both should seperate and my
husband has to marry a girl whom her mother sees because ours is love marriage and their
realtives none of them knows my husband is married. I cant tell my parents because
they are patients. I dont want to take a chance on them.
Please acn you help me in getting and staying with my husband again
Could you please provide me your contact no
Dear Sir Aslaam.u.Alaykum
I ma a patient of brain from 3 years and I can"t become well and somethings tease me often in night.Please sir check my problem that what is a problem with me
Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullah
My name is Ruman , I was born in in Bangladesh, and grew up in England. I am 22years old and suffering.
Can you please do a check on me, please, and tell me my problem.
Assalaam Aleykum,
i have been suffering from badluck / frequent and sometimes severe misfortunes/ unexplained diseases/ rejection money and job problems for over 30 years now and so many other negative issues/ behaviors and problems.
now i think my problem is either a generational curse or evil eye or sihir as 90% of my life has been full of failures,humiliating and shameful life and infact i consider myself a proffesional failure.
do you have a remedy for removing this curse (or whatever) and the negative energy and aura that surrounds me.
please help and ALLAH will reward you greatly.
assalaam aleykum,
i forgot to tell you that this curse has affected my wife and mostly my sons who have started having so many failures in life and education and that is what is breaking my heart. anything that can bring success , peace and tranquility in my life just fails in front of my eyes and that brings even bigger problems for me which inturn make life miserable and confusing for me.
Hi need ur help, there is somone i wanted to marry and so did he but recently he changed his mind im sure someone has dne black magic on him.
Is there anyway of finding out or removing it..
Please could u help.
Assalamalaikum Brother,
My name is Rauf.I run a business.I am facing alot of problems.There are alot of people who are trying to destroy us and have opened business right beside me and want to Taabah me.Please I need your help urgently.Please guide me so I can protect ouself and business from Tabahee and how do I destroy the enemies.Awaiting your reply
I am suffering from jadoo and nazar for 16 years its very old and very powerful
The current amil I am dealing with cant cure me with the wazifa because this jadoo is very old and powerful.
He says their is another fast way.
He wants meat of a black goat, safraan and some other thing that starts with b.
He will do the amil and I think the jadoo will go on the meat.
Can you please explain more about this to me.
i need ur help plz just sort out my problem
my problem is i am humera
i got married but slowly as tym pass my husband started hating me for nothing then he divorce me. after 3 yrs again i got married .
in a week i come to know that he is affected with black magic and some amel said that its bz of me, even he is started hating me and send me back to my mother house,
he wanted to divorce me,
i am really worried and tense.... i just want to save my marriage and make my husband fall in love wid me,
my husband is not at all in touch with me and he is not well, he want divorce wid me
evrybody says its a affect of black magic
please help me
how should i make my marriage successful and get rid of black magic and my husband shuld love me and take me back to home
thank you
Dear Sir,
I have found your blogs related to spiritual work and magics. Can you please confirm me your existence. I want to consult some ideas with you.
Looking forward to hear from you.
Thank you.
Assalam Alaikum brother, how can someone tell that there is black magic done between husband and wife, because I think that this might be the case with me.
Dear Sir,
Some 30 more years ago when I was working on an oil drilling platform after jogging at about 4 in the afternoon suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my right chest and suddenly I became very very scared of dead and depressed. That night I cannot sleep well becos of breathless ness and feeling of extremely sad and worry for no reason at all. After that I went to the hospital and to the specialist and they dianoze is as having suffered anxiety and depression. I could'nt sleep properly and eat properly and I lost alot of weight. I was alone to myself of I feel very sad and unstable and as if a million needle are poking on my head. I went to get help from the faith healer and it did helps and it took almost 20 yrs before the anxiety and depression subsided gradually by itself (by listening to the Quran on the radio and which I still on 24 hrs everyday). But I do have it in certain circumstances. I can't travel by air or public transport becos it will trigger the fear. The problem I had now is the dizziness and left sided headache, though the headache is like a tightening or a band around the head especially on my left side and feeling of tightening around my eyes. I thought I have BPPV but the ENT Doctor said its not. I really had a hard time with this dizziness becos I have to make up all my best when I am around people which cause the dizziness even worst. I have to leave early when on a dinner or party and still dreadful of air travelling. Do you know if my dizziness is still the after effect of the anxiety and depression problem? For your info I have done a CT scan on my brain some 8 yrs ago and MRI 3 years ago and the ENT have checked me and said they's nothing wrong and I have my heart test (Heart Scan, Holster, Threadmill and Echo) at one of the specialist centre becos I have compalined of this dizziness and the Heart Specialist has cleared me of any heart related problem. But nobody seem to know whats wrong with my dizziness. Its like the feeling of on a ship at sea, at times heaving, swaying feeling almost all the time and if the dizziness ever strike hard I could not move my head and I have to sit up few hours on end. I remember the first time I've got it I have to sleep sitting up every night for 6 months becos I cannot lay down straight or it will start spinning.
Being a muslim I tried to get help from Alims from Indonesia, Malaysia and even India but with little help and I am still having this problem. I am asking you for your help. I am willing to give rewards in return inshallaah. Atleast 4 places of Islamic healers cured me for a short brief of time but the sickness came back again after sometimes. I am willing to reward you for your kind help.
If you have any advise please do.
Dear Sir, Assalam o Alaikum! i m doing Job in West Africa and now-a-days i m suffering from Magic. my heart has become sad and i m stressed. it is since one and half month. Before this magic i love to pray and recite the Holy Quran every time but now i feel trouble and many doubts come in my mind when i pray and recite holy Quran. I feel every time of death only. i see fearful dreams which make me sorrow more and more. i have no more interest in world. But i still pray forcefully and recites as well but my heart don't feel happy. So i think someone has done magic spells on me because one day when i was reciting holy Quran in my room after Isha Prayer i felt some problem in my mind that now now i m going to die. after that day my problem start and till now it nearly two months that every time i feel of death. When i sleep i see bad dreams which makes me Sad. Please Help me for breaking this magic and if possible kindly send me your phone no so that i should discuss you on phone.
Hello I have been married for 15 years and I have 4 kids with my husband he was so good to me then one day he started cheating on me and he tells me that he does, girls call and he talks to them infront of me he wants to make me mad so I leave he has been like this for 8 years I have no where to go I want him back the way he was and better my kids need a dad and I don't want his family to win if they did this to me he says :
1 he hates my voice it hurts his ears
2. He want another wife
3 He hates the kids
4 He hates the house he's never
5 we have nothing he spends all his money on clothes for him self
6 he's always on the phone always ! If it's 2/3 in the morning girls will call and we r sleep he will talk to them he doesn't care about me
I need help please
My friend , her husband left her for his
Girlfriend and they have a sick son he is 2 he has a bad heart bad lungs and can't understand anything all he does is cry all the time. Can u help her get him back I'm scared my husband will do the something to me they r friends please help us
Dear Amel,
Recently i have been doing a lot of research on black magic. and on many occasions i have came across your posts, blogs, discussion & threads. I am impressed with you knowledge, research and your kind guidance to Muslim Brothers and Sister.
Sir, i want to ask you few questions regarding my Wife. My wife has been suffering from Black magic since last 6 months, in the beginning things got very worst. She got ill very ill, and then one night while sleeping she started shouting that something hurting on her left toe. when i looked there were three needles poked in her toe, which i removed immediately and put it in a safe place. But unbelievably they just vanished. Then after that we experienced things which i never thought i will ever. The evil spirits literally came in side her body and have made her miserable physically and mentally. On Azan , she used to get so aggressive and used to shout that her head gonna explode with pain, and then we came to the point where these evil spirits used to enter in her body and talked to me. Luckily we found a very good qari sahab in karachi who looked into this case, and helped us a lot. as we were in Saudi Arabia so Qari Sahab did the Treatment through Skype using only Quran and DUM. then after a week her position got little stable and we brought her to the Karachi. we have my wife transforming in some other personality when those evil spirit used to take over her body. Qari sahab called the evil spirits spelled on my wife on her and converted many JInnats to muslims and tried his best to cut the AMAL of black magic. He did very good job and after few months my wife felt better and things got back to normal but just recently 2 months back that black magic spell came back (or i must say the person did again on her) and now she again going through lot of pain. Worth mentioning that all this time she was pregnant and currently she is in her 9 month. Currently the same Qari sahab is looking after her. Right now they are doing regular dum as She is in her 9th month and they dont want to take any risk. As per Qari Sahab he will do the proper illaj once she delivers the baby. And we trust and respect qari sahab very much as he has cured her few months ago. But now it has came back on her.
Beside all this my question is that I want to get rid of this Black Magic completely. I want to find the source where the AMAL or Magic (Taveez) is buried and want to destroy it. Because qari sahab illaj is through Quranic Ayat and he Calls evil jinnats and ask them to leave and also convert them to muslim. But i want to find the source from where this black magic has been spelled on my wife. I love my wife to death i want her to get back to normal life.please advise me what will be best for me. also, i have a question is it OKAY to get help of those ALEM or Ulma who have jinnat in their custody and they get their help to find the Taveez/ or the source and destroy it. What is the complete remedy for it .. Please advise
Looing forward for your kinds and favorable response.
Re: aswk,,my problem that iam having many pimples&scars on my face.when i read the sytoms of black magic i realize that the i am having same sytoms.day by day my colour is getting blacker &pimples &scars are to much on my face.plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz give me some wazifa if you think that is necessary for me.my other problem is that my proposal is facing problems whoever come to see me they ask about my younger sister to my mom.& the fact is that she is very beautiful.& day by day myself confidence is going down.plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz help me as soon as possible.&allah will give you ajer in both the worlds.allalhafiz.
i need your help please
I am 37 year old male from karachi pakistan, since my childhood i am surrounded by the black magic
experts till 16 i am not aware of there deeds but saw them doing satanic things on me and my family and these things really hurts us
in 2006 i get a chance to perform Hajj after Hajj i was thinking that i am clear of all the things and it feels good to me in my health and all other things too but after few weeks same game started again and i am at same condition again
no business continuous financial problems health problems and even all our money and wealth is in their hands
i am living my life below the poverty line I am commercial pilot and B.E in computer science
i know how to do a black magic but i have no interest in doing that after hajj even lots of things i know in rohaniat
but last time when i started a Amal from Quran to save my aviation job around 5 years back.
the one who was doing the game with me has faced the sever accident after that accident i left that amal because i am not interested in hurting any one but i know that they are responsible of my job problem.
but they are really a idiots who are still busy in the same game
but this time i have no mercy for them even if there new born child will die its OK, because they deserve that.
i have losted my 40 important years and i know they will never stop
so please suggest me some thing really powerful which can kill them
i have read your Blog there are 4 different amal which are very very close to my situation
but i am puzzle which one i have to do, or i have to do all of them to cure my different problem
Looking for your reply
my pblm is that my elder sister's marriage is facing huge pblms,her propsal is not fixing,when people came to see her they dislik's her & ask about younger sister's,i have 7 sister's,only 1 sister is married,she has 7 daughter's,2 daughter's is ready for marriage,my mom dad is very much worried about our future,relative's pass comment that my neice's is ready for marriage,what about ur sister's,i guss there is some kind of black magic on my sister's that's why their propsels is not fixing,iam requsting u to contact me as soon as possible,i have many pblm's ,iam lossing my faith upon allah,if u kindly help me i will be very gratefull to u,my 2 sister's name is nazima fatima,her matrimony is facing many pblm's,iam not sure but time is telling me that there is a black magic upon her,pray for her ,&do some issar or bandish upon her,we take her to many mullam&murshid but nobody help my family,they say that star's is not giving permission,plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz help me plzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
I came across your site on the internet and read all about black magic. My family has been in a lot of trouble these past few months. Everything was perfect and than suddenly one day, everything was upside down, destroyed. And the problems keep recurring with no solution.
I'd like to know from you if there is a way I can find out if all our problems are due to black magic as we have been affected by ut before. And if yes, what would be the treatment?
Please help me out. May Allah bless you abundantly.
I really need some help brother, I have recently got married in July and after a few weeks of getting married I have started to encountered major problems in my marriage all starting from little issues. I have enconted symptoms such as:
not being sexually active
cannot stand to see my partner in my eyes
cannot think properly
bad memory
my mind seemed clouded
have no interest in life
my complexion was dark in colour
use to see a black dot in front of my eyes
panic attack
thirst at night
dark circles under my eyes
in a financial drained
separated from my partner
my monthly periods are dark in colour at first
my husband is very abusive towards me
I really don't know what to do and I feel like this is an ongoing issue and really don't know how long i have been feeling like this but think it might be a good couple of years.
I found your web site,and i read about your healing
i think that you are right persons ho can help me
i bealieve that somebody do at me Black Magic,i'm not feeling good almost 10 years,i'm not happy,i not have a jib,i;m not married,only bad things happend to me all the time
Can you help me,Please ????
By chance I found your site while doing a google search.
I have downloaded jalali molekat and listened for the first time today.
I need to know what is going on in my life. I have no idea what has happened!
I was a successful journalist and then absolutely nothing after resigning my job last year and moving on to greener pastures. Instead, I have fallen so badly. My finances have dwindled into nothing. I am so sad and hurt and unaware of what is going on anymore.
The one thing that has kept me alive is that I have Faith in Allah swt. I read my namaaz and I do recite other prayers daily just to feel better.
Please can you tell me if something bad has been done to me for me not to get a single job even though I know in my heart I am the best candidate. Nothing is working out for me. I will never give up hope and Faith in Allah swt and I call Allah swt to help me! I cry to Him and my Rasullallah, I have nobody else to cry to and believe they are the best anyway.
Please tell me if something has happened to me. I know that I am special and a person who has been given God-given talent, just unsure of why I am not successful.
And finally I will understand if you don't answer me or have no time, it is up to Allah swt whether I am given an opportunity to move from this affliction...I have sabr.
Dear Hazoor
It’s with much sadness i am writing to you. I feel very alone and frightened because of my situation with my daughter and family. I am lost, and my fear is my imaan is slowly going from me. I have been to many people many sheiks, many imams and mullahs. Some are scared to help me, some say they will help then turn their phone off, some have lied to me, some have stolen money from me. But no one has finished my problem like they all promise. What i have learned from all this is that this has become a business where people are more interested in making money from your pain and illness. It makes me to think is there any real good muslims in this world left, if there is in my situation I am very sorry to say I have not found one person so far. I do not mind giving the money that is not the problem but it is the actions of the people who betray you that hurts inside and especially those who have been trusted my Allah to protect the muslim ummah.
I pray and cry to my Allah every night to give me the power to protect my daughter and wife I don’t care about myself maybe I am being punished by Allah but I know my 2 years old daughter and wife have done nothing wrong in this world to be punished by my Allah especially my daughter. But I do not have the power in my dua and prayers Hazoor to protect them from these jinns who are real shaitans because they do not believe in any god or Allah nor do they fear Allah the all mighty like I fear him.
As I write to you my tears come because I remember how i pray every night to Allah and say YA ALLAH if I am not in your favour then send me a slave of yours that you are pleased with who can help my child and let me to be punished because I have made you angry. You see Hazoor I am lost as a father and husband because I cannot protect my family and maybe I am lost as muslim which makes me scared the most. And now Allah has given blessings of 2 girls 2 months old who are being affected by the evil in my home.
Dear Hazoor i know you have listned to many stories and seem many things but I swear by Allah there are very very little stories and cases like my one. It is a long story and i don’t want to lose your attention my sheik.
My case involves black magic done
· To me and wife to break us up, and make her mentally crazy and she suffered all the way in the pregnancy with the 2 baby girls.
· Black magic on my father, mother, brother, and sisters . At first no one believed me and hated my wife for trying to break the family. Now they have discovered that they are also affected.
· Now on my 2 years daughter
· By Hindu jinns (avra kabees)
· By my mums 2 sisters against me and the whole family for many years
· I left Bangladesh to get away from all this black magic and came to Abu Dhabi and stayed with one of these aunty (did not know at the time she was involved) who has no children and lives with husbands brothers son. I made the biggest mistake in my life, because now I have discovered by talking to them all they all are also suffering from jinns as well except my aunty and her husband. But they are all too frightened to solve the problem. Me, my wife and daughter situation became very bad in that house because the shaitans in that house joined with the ones already with us to cause much harm to my wife and daughter especially.
As I am writing to you I feel I am being attacked, I have pains in my leg, feet, fingers and head, please Hazoor help us quickly for the sake of Allah. I have been looking at your website for 2 years now first when I was in Bangladesh something always stopped me from getting contact and subhanallah I have done it today. You will always been in our hearts and duaa.
My name is Aruj, and some relative has done black magic on me magic of sex please can you tell me how to break it with the Quran verses. If you can e-mail me which verse from which chapter i will really apprecite that and please as soon as possible coz my condition is really worse.
aslam alikum
i seen your article over the internet , and just wanted to know about my father that is he suffering from black magic or not , since pas 7 years his health not stable , big major problrm from him is his eye is not able to see , he losted his eye and damage
kya ya wakai ma kam karta hai magic spell ya aesa hi nakli hai.......
Remembering you in my prayers. Dear Amel...I am suffering with so many bad symptoms happening so fast. Physical ailments to myself, seperation from fiance of 16 years because he is addicted with drug addiction, started living dangerously and has had a heart attack and doesn't want me near him. My family turned on me, I'm being evicted from my home of 10 years having to take control of everything after fiance left me I have no where to go, hard finding another job to my part time job with the school district. I lost my ingeritance, my car is breaking down and unregisterable. I pray everyday and I WILL keep you in my prayers everyday. I will spread the word of your website to many. Bless you. Sincerely, LIsa Marie. Orange County, ca.
Selam alekum brother I live in USA but I have bin sick for years I benn praying 5 times olso I read Quran but I still a lot problems whith my health and my kids my have a lot of problems to please brother how can I contac u for the sake of Allah Selam sue
I can hear my wifes voice talking to another man where ever i go at home at work everywhere,my wife's behVouir changes when I start to hear voices she starts acting very strange plze can you tell me if I am effectiveted with black magic
Assalamu Alaikum
I live in Europe withmy husband and son. My parents lives in Asia. Recently i came to know that one of my relative had spelled black magic on my family ( on myparents and siblings) because of jealousy. The magic is so bad that my family reputation has came to in question. My family members are practicing muslims and We strongly believe that Almighty Allah (swt) will help us. As I live abroad, this is so tough for me to see my parents in trouble. I feel so helpless and have no one to share my sorrow. I do pray for Allahs mercy and help. All I needis to protect my family from any danger. How can I disable the magic or keep my family away from such trouble? Please help and keep usin your prayer.
Jazzak Allah
Assalamu alaikum
i live in india and my sister got married in july 2017 but her mother in law and sister of mother in law dont like my sister and want her to part away for her husband now they also have a daughter who is 21 days old , i have been to our preast and he says her mother in law has said to her sister to do some black magic so that couple part away
when preast was praying he was shaken and said they have done heavy black magic
please guide me what to do
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