If someone has become a constant victim of a magician who keep casting spells on him and keeps sending his devils to jeopardize the victim’s life then i am telling about jalaali (very powerful) amal. The victim should download this recording of the amal in his PC, mobile, MP3 player etc and listen to his non-stop till 2-3 hours daily. Since this is a very powerful amal so one should only listen to it and not repeat it. If the victim tries to read it himself and then falls into some trouble then he will be responsible for his woes. Whenever one senses any of the signs of black magic, so playing the recording for 2-3 hours will do the needful and Inshallah all plans of the magician will be thwarted.
download click here
jalali mokelat recitation.mp3
Amel soname contact
i am not a muslim, i have problems with magic i dont know if it is black or not, will that recorded prayer help me?
Dear Amel soname,
I am thankful for your help and guidance.
May Allah bless you every thing in this world as well as in Heaven!
You are a blessing from Allah for all Muslims in this world.
May Allah give you long healthy life and more and more knowledge of Holy Quran and Sunnah to serve Muslims against dirty black magic and shitaan! Aameen
Thank you
I want to know more about black magic and its methods of cure
Salam, i read a post you wrote on a black magic reversal website. i was wondering if youd be able to advise me.
i think this girl did black magic on my brother. he is madly in love with her. he was married when he met her and he wants to give a divorce to my sister-in-law.
is there something i can do to reverse it for him?
Thank you so much for your time
inshallah allah must give u long life & strenght and ability to guide and help people through difficulties .u are doing a great and wonderful job keep it up.may allah showers his blessings on u & ur family for their paitence.
hi amel,i read your article on internet and i beleive my ex girlfriend family did something to break us ,do you know of anyone trustworthy who can help me to remove this evil done to us?thx peter
Hi Amel
I read your articles on the internet about black magic with interest.
Please tell me are you a priest or what are you?
Can you give some guidance as to how we can find if we are affected by black magic AND anyone who you know can help to remove the black magic,
Thanks for your help
Assalam o Alaikum
Few months before my father has problem in kidney, CT scan and X-rays showed that he has solid mass near kidney so that need to be removed. we got him operated and left kidney was removed with that solid mass. But when lab results of that removed sample came they told its cancer and we should get further checks, when we got CT scan of abdoman and Chest then it was reported that he has cancer in lungs and its spread in both lungs has nodules (giltyan) in both lungs and larger one is around 18mm. i called a no and asked for istakhara, they told that there is no sign of disease, its some sort of jadu. so please can you help us to know actual problem and its exact treatment. the signs you mentioned on the above forum link, i am not sure this appears to my father or not but i have seen many time in dream that i am eating wastes(poti) and my heart speed increase some time, i am going to be more and more sensitive (chirchara) from last 10-12 months and can't bear any one with me for few days. i am doing good job but when i try to start my work, it always stops and i never succeeded in getting good start. By seeing these signs you mentioned it seems i myself am victim of this sort of jadu.
Please guide us so that my father health problem should be resolved earlier and also if some thing is done bad by any enemy for us whole family, tell us good solution that we should take immediately. jaza kullah .
Are you indeed ? I need a help ...a friend of main , got black magic ,she doesn't believe me , how to help her ? She got all symptoms her ex boy friend did the magic agains her ,he was very jelauce man from Saudi Arab..... She just want to have sex with no reason , with any one ..doesn't go home any more ....sleep any where , her mum is devastated , ...
Can you tell me how to help her if you know anything to help ?
I have a query can u pls help me out...
Pls reply me back asap
I read your article in black magic.What Surahs we should recite if someone is unexpectedly ill with worse disease.I am thankful to your if you give me good suggestion.
I read your blog about black magic and how to finish it. Actually i have almost all the symptoms you have mentioned. as i have many problems ,should i do all the wazeefas to break all the spells for example. i am 36 years old female ,my marrige is not working we always fight over small issues. i dont have a child and i have uterine fibriods which are benign tumors in women womb or uterus. then i have no decent job and my husband has no job since 4 months.My mind doesnt work ,i have lack of concentration and i always want to sleep. i see urine and dirty bathroom in my dreams and insects. i drink water and eat alot after every hour. my hair falls alot. i have back pain and tirdness in my body always ,cant stand for long. i want to be alone always and dont want to talk to anyone, i have no friends except my sisters.what should ido in this situation.i dont happy even if there is everything i want. i have lots of thoughts coming in my mind always.
so i want to ask ,should i do the break for all the magic spells that you have mentioned or which one should i do.
i will be very thank ful if you answer to my question.how can i have a happy life.
Assalaamu alaikum,
I saw your website online and I was wondering if you can help. My family is inflicted with a lot of woes and we were wondering if it is black magic. Will you be able to help InshaAllaah?
i am needa from jaora india.i am 25 year old female facing severe consequences of black magic from last 10 years.i m religious and performing namaz and duas,meeting lots of amels but nothing cure me.it was not only done on me but on my whole family,including mum, dad.sister and brother and on this house also in which we live,we all split and my sis live alone in bhopal,my brother wid my mother,and i live with papa,as we have many uncle anties in this house,it is a joint family.i know who did this to us in jealousy and envy but i cant express my feelings towards them,i too have an issueless devorse,i m hardworking intelligent but fails in every perspective of life after trying a lot,my money waist like anything,health problems,horibble dreams and somebody follows me which is invisible making horrify sounds an voices to threten me when i am alone
i am totally helpless towards any thing ,please help me for god sake other wise i finished please revert me and guide me to save my future?
Dear Amel,
i hope my this letter finds you well, i am qaiser from pakistan
punjab ,as i have seen ur expert and experienced researched on
black magic and as ur mashala an amel, So i thought to write
you to discuss some issues related to my wife, (as stated word
by word by my wife)on thursady at 8:00 am in morning she is
sleeeping and experienced a night mare that something is
transparent sitting at her feet side and having black hand and
is holding her tight. it might be a nightmare but she noted some
intresting things , that during the night mare she can listen
surroundings very clearly and she is in the same dress what she
is wearing while sleeping and on same sofa , and same room. we
are vet much tense and looking for the expert amel that can help
us, and we are also very tense that what sort of indication is
that , and why that thing appeared at her feets side, she is
shia , Dear amel we would like to speak on this issue with you
and be glad if we have ur contact number , and please do let us
know it is it signs of some black magic or what , we are wating
for your kind reply.
do send us ur number so we can contact you
I came through the web .to check who did black magic on me..
I need to find out who did black magic on me..pls advise the correct methods..and does it work?
it all started towards the end of 2005, my younger sister had just got engadged, I was good friends with his brother as we worked together for years, his mum & my sisters fiance were always very fasinated with me what i wore, where i went etc her other son had told her he was interested in asking for my hand & she didnt approve. We still remained very good friends. I got engadged to a family friends son in august 2006 we were very happy & he was very excited he even wanted to move the wedding forward. 2months later he broke off our engadgment & couldnt give me or his family a reason, from then on my life went downhill. My sister also got divorced a few months later because of his mum. I stayed in contact with my ex fiances family & am still very close to his older sister.3 years later he contacted me crying & begging for forgiveness & wanted to get back together, i did forgive him & we got back together he even applied for work interstate so we could get married straight away. He was really happy. then a month later broke up with me again when i asked for a reason he would just cry & say he doesnt know,..after this my mum made see a sheikh who told me there was sihr placed on me, he read quaran over my head & i did ruqya, it didnt seem to make a difference, my mums friend recommended to speak to a sheikh from lebanon who promised all his work is proper. He told me someone had done istikhara & said an older lady (he also described her) had done sihr on me to never be happy & that no man can ever get close to me. He also gave me a hijab to keep in my hair & another to keep on the right hand side of my chest & also did ruqya again. A few weeks later i went to see another sheikh who told me the shikh from lebanon is a magician & to remove everything he had given me to wear. He opened the hijab & saw it was all quaranic verses inside but the front of the hijab had names of jiins. I quickly started asking allah for forgiveness as i was unaware of this. Since then i have done ruqya another 3 times & i dont know what else to do. its been nearly 6years, I have really bad anxiety & stomach problems & it has been confirmed with more than 3 sheikhs that it is on me. i was constantly getting suitors come over to ask for my hand but this all stopped its been over 5 years since anyone has approached me, which isnt normal considering it was at least every month there was someone knocking on my door.Since 06 i have been miserable nothing good has happened to me,only bad after bad. Is there anything else you can reccomend i do? Humdallah i do pray & am constantly making dua. Ive got really bad anxiety & depreesion & dont know what else i can do.
Please help
My name is Ambiga
I am married but i am not interested to live with him
But my parents & society are forcing me.
I need to come out of my marriage life with help of black magic
Can u help me
Please reply me at the earliest
What to do
Assalamo alaikum wr wb
I am 34 years of age and living in UK.
I recently read your page on the internet and wanted to know more about how I could have my self cured from black magic..It is effecting my married life and also my son who is 8 is developing symptoms of epilepsy..It is getting to a stage that I am getting depressed and fighting with my husband. May Allah help us all but I am giving beginning to give up
I dont know but i feel i have been inflicted by either nazar or black magic.
Im suffering since 12 years now, I want genuine help in the name of Allah.
Please help,
Dear sir
My wife has been effected by black magic through food, someone made her eat something and now she is reacting bad. Showed her to a local mowlana and he said she is effected with black magic. She now needs an amal which she could recite to help her eliminate the effect of black magic went through food inside her.
Please help her. Let us know of an amal which could really help her.
please help us
asalam o alikum
sir i am 29 year old female. i am suffering many problem relating to my marriage from many year. in 2007 i found red blood drop on my naked arm during changing the cloth.
today i visited ur site today. it brings a hope. i am very depressed bcoz when i saw dirt and wash room in my dream i'll face new problem.i recite Quran e Pak it give me comfort just for short time. this process continue since 2007 to till now. kindly tell me wht i do?
family have been attacked by black magic. I doubted that too and now everything is quite clear. All i want now is my brother and my family to be freed from this evil curse. This is soo evil brother, that I dont think these people or jinns will even have a trial on judgement day. Idol worshipers and black magic doers are the worst enemy of our creator Allah Almighty. This is such a crime. Now since i have gained a little wisdom, I doubt my grandfather was also a victim towards the end of his life and then he passed away. But, i am more concerned of my brother. He is my everything. Can you help to defeat the magicians brother. for us. can u please take a look at our matter. you said something about kill or defeat a devil and monthly basis hiring amil? i read it on your recent website blog.
Brother, my earnest request. please look into our issue. This is now life & death situation here.
i just read Ur few articles about black magic and there cure ,
i live in new zeal and and
i think i am under black magic as all the symptoms uu mentioned are happening with i am in a real problem could you please help me in solving it
As some one has told me that i am under some magic so that's why all my work are getting spoiled up every day
need urgent help please
Brother I have facing some problems and some confusions. Actually the story is very straight forward. I am giving you a very brief overview. I was very good in my profession and every thing was going in my favor. But now since one year I quiet a job from a city and come to my home place with an opportunity of a new better job in foreign. But when I resigned my job and come to my home place which is actually 1100 kilometers away from that city after doing some projects with that party in their temporary office. They got angry with me with no reason . the reasons they told me are their own. Any how we got apart. After that I have tried my best to get any job from near my home place but all in vain. Some called for interviews but my level of designation is above than market which is left. All the companies are closed one year before due to country's unstable situation and the remaining are not at high class. I tried on internet and approached to international outsourcing companies for freelance. All said your work is very nice and you have those abilities and expertise which we are looking for but no body give me answer after many followups.
In those days one of my wife's friend got to know about it and she advised my wife to tell her brother about that he knows these type of problems and does cures. After a long thinking I agreed on this behalf that he and her sister are fully "Muahid". I pray to Allah and told them all the scenario. He told me to call him on the next day after his checking. He also brought my picture as well. On the next day he told me about the problems which was on my business and work related. I asked him what to do to get rid of it. He demand me one Goat for Sadqa to start the Amal. I gave him money and he told me to recite the names of Allah for 101 times completely on daily basis and along with that he did some Amal by him self. On completion he told me to apply on jobs and projects. I did so and got surprised that I got many of projects from international market. I thanked him and turned back to routine. After that I applied for a permanent job in a foreign company and they replied me back and took my two interviews online. I successfully completed the interviews. then they demanded for a third interview onsite which was actually a test. They gave me all the expenditures and necessary documents to apply for visa.
Now here some problems come. For applying visa there is some need of documents which are compulsory to forward the visa application. For getting these documents I tried my best and by the unknown and very minor reasons it delays and delays day by day and when I applied I have changed the dates of my traveling and reservations for third time. After applying a long unknown delay occurred. Usually embassy take 8 working days and they replied me after 15 days with this objection that my permanent and current address is in that city and I should applied from the relevant embassy of this city. After that I applied for holiday visa by my own it also rejected with the objection of incomplete business related documents. When I told the company and asked them to send the documents again and make the reservation once again. They replied why your visa being rejected for twice. Give us the brief and to the point reason. I gave them all the necessary details but now the Eid holidays come and on Monday or later I am waiting for their reply. In the mean while the person who did the Amal before for me called me on phone and ask about my life. I mean a causal phone call for just seeing each other. I told him the all the matter. He said I will tell you on next day. On the next day he told me some one again doing black magic on you and he started his Jadoo after the Ramadhan and it would be completed in few days and that is very strong and the Amil is forced to specially do his best to complete the Amal. I asked him how to cure it. He told me now it is more difficult and might be it is very difficult to break when it would complete. And there is alot of money to spend on it to get rid from that Jadoo. I was surprised and confused. I thought that may be he do this by himself.
That's why I contact you to find out the actual person who is doing this type of Jadoo or Amal. The symptoms are very near that I read on internet and I am very upset by these failures. Also I am living with my Dad's house now the brothers and sisters are some times do very aggressive behavior with me and my family even my kids. Brothers are always angry with me with very small reasons and daily life issues. I am getting very lazy and not want to work any more. All times I feel tiredness and headache.
So please tell me what to do and I am more interested in knowing that if that person did this to me at this time I will take care of him. Other wise please tell me and do something for me by Allah. And remember please don't do any kind of Amal or similar thing if it against Quran and Sunnah. I read all the Ayat and stuff on your blog and that's why I am contacting you. I hope you will agree with my desire.
there is no dought that black magic is happen in the world as according to holy quran prophet mohammad had also become the victim of black magic by babylonions,
in short nothing stands in front of faith in god,doing regular namar,mauzateen,and aitalkursi will help in fighting against all kind of evils,
but never ever get disappointed from allah,this only shatan and magician wants,
allah or god is always there for true believers,he will definetly send helping hands to victim,
remmember god is the creater of entire universe,he has all kind of powers to create, or destroy,god is with good people not with evils
Janab , i have read your articles & found them as a great informative .
Actually , I am struggling since Nov 2008 as i was involved with a girl & she is too ...but her family was not convinced & they were not giving any logical
ground of why they were refusing...Behrhal we kept trying & the parents kept delaying that we will seperate one day but it didnt happen
, we remain consistent & after waiting of almost 2 years , we have done the court marrige secretly & it is still secret ...My question is this
is there any chance of bandish on us or it is just a weham of me as if you see us then you will come to know that we are perfect in education
,family back ground & earing wise as well but yet no development .Please advise what i can do as i dont want to leave her in the middle & her family is not getting agreed & we are getting late .
Dear Brohter/sister, i have read fewo fyour writings adn i am and my family is very much effected by the black magic done by my Mom in lAw.can you please help me to remove and stay happily with my husband and family.i dont know what to do .my life is totally dark now.i am praying and also reading quran but dnot know somehow my mom on law winning against me and made my husband her PET and obedinet and making a discord with him.so..i seek for your help.
Assalam O Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh
This is jawad, i am sorry to interrupt you, i see your web site works and invents of Islamic mission i am grateful to Allah that their are a (his) people's who work hard his Islamic mission and given relief of Muslims from Allah and Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) Sunnah,
my friend i really appreciate to you for a doing a great job, i am one of them who appreciate you,
my friend i have facing many problems of my life in any matter like travelling and works etc.., since last 13years, it is my honor to take advice for my matter .
i am very thankful to you.
Allah Hafiz
Dear Sir,
My name is Arvind. I am suffering from the effect of black magic.
One of acquittance wants to get me married to her daughter but I have
not intrested to build up that relation, so I have refused. That
person has a contact with some of the black magican. But after this
suddenly my relation with my family and relatives are started ruined,
specially with female relatives and friends. My relatives who gives me
regards and affections have started to break up with me. Not only with
relatives now I m getting break ups with my official and casual
friends also. I am in very much trouble. You are requested to please
help me out to come this, send me a Taaweez to get rid from this black
magic. I will be grateful to you entire my life.
Dear Amel,
I have read your thoughts and publications in many websites and quite impressed. i would like to know if you can help me. i have taken help from a magician to get rid of black magic. i want to know if he is genuine or not.
first of all he asked my picture and than said i have been casted with black magic by 2 persons.
than to remove this he said to light 5 white candles and 6 blues candles every night before i got to sleep. i have been also told to cut my hair and put in a river or bury it every full moon night. he also said i would be doing some rituals during that time. now i had to send a fresh picture of mine which he said that now i have got rid of black magic.
after this he is now going to send me a taveez for protection, to drink and one to paste in my house.
could you let me know is this a genuine process of removing black magic?
i also want to know that if i show u the taveez can u tell me that it is going to do good or bad to me?
im a proud muslim, theres alot of sihr done on y family im possitive 500% because the syptoms are clear & theres evidence!, main point, isnt haram to do reverse spells? isnt that a sin? i need heeling for my family, but something not haram? please help me!
Salaam can you please help me ive been ill since the last 5yrs. Doctors say that I have crohns and it isnt curable.i have been to many amils but I dont get better. I am only 22 and still have my full life ahead of me jazakallah
Assalam oalikum,
Yesterday I noticed your website regarding Sihr. I am Ibrahim working in Saudi Arabia, Originally from India. my family is with me. My wife having the problems as you mentioned as symptom of sihr. For ten year she having different types of deceases and head and neck aches. pain will come and go to another place within hours or minuts. We consult many doctors and they used to say she don’t have any illness and they will give some pain killers. by the time her father from India went some amil and he told that she had affected sihr and he done some aml then we got some relief from here troubles. but after some days she became same as before still she is troubling this. Please in the name of Allah, advise me what can I do.
Fr last three days she cannot sleep even for a minute that is why I was searching in internet for any dua to get sleep, fortunately I found your site and downloaded the "jalali mokelat recitation" yester day and she listen it for some time in night and get sleep at least few hours and today morning also see listen to it and get sleep again for two hours. Alhamdulillah !!
I can give more Information whatever you needed
Dear Amel.
Thanks for your jaalali mokelet recitation mp3.
I had downloaded it and listening to it every night until morning and Alhamdulillah am getting better.
Last year I was rich with enough money and good bussiness but for a year now am totally poor and many of my freind had told me its effects of black magic from my enemies.
Please Amel could you kindly give me any powerful Amal that can destroy instantly all the magic spell against me and reverse back to the person that send it to me.
Please help me with it.
Assalam-o-alikum amil baba. how one come to know that he is under the spell of black magic. because may be he could be have some sort of problems or diseases may be he is careless. I just need to know the signs.
I am really impreesed by your efforts, black magic is a reality no one can refused it but if we pray five times a day or reading four qools every day ,so i think you and your family save from black magic
this is a awesome website i love it and I Listen jalali mokelat recitation.mp3 all the time
I am Md.Hafizur Rahman from Bangladesh. I have facing now a hard problem. I am running like a dog around the Bangladesh for solution, but nobody can help me.
I am now hopeless & defeated & helpless in the world.
I love one girl 4 years ago so much. And the problem is the girl was Hindu. Her name is Anamika Datta. I love her so much. She also loves me so much. But when her family knows about our relationship then they are angry and did some bad thing such no contact with her. But after 20 days my girlfriend escapes and come to me.
And then she become a Muslim woman and marries me.
The Date of our wedding is 11-05-2009.
And last 2.9 years we live a happy marriage life.
Some quarrels are happen but not bigger in that time.
In that time she has a small contact with her family.
But at 19-02-2012 she wrote me a letter and leaves me for her mother.
And from that I can not contact with her. I am went her family home but they don’t open the door. And even they don’t talk with me.
Now I am feeling here something her family done to her like black magic for break our relationship. I am meeting a HUJUR and discus with him. He told me they have done some black magic on her for break our relationship. But nobody can break the black magic they done.
And 05-03-2012 she gives me my first divorce letter by post.
Dear Amel vai i lover her so much so much so much.
I don t can imagine she leaves me.
I want to live with her in that life and after the death.
Please help me for back my wife. For our relationship.
Please help me.
Dear Amel soname,
I am thankful for your help and guidance.
May Allah bless you every thing in this world as well as in Heaven!
You are a blessing from Allah for all Muslims in this world.
May Allah give you long healthy life and more and more knowledge of Holy Quran and Sunnah to serve Muslims against dirty black magic and shitaan! Aameen
Thank you
Assalamu alaikum all,
Very useful information on the site. I have been suffering from Black magic over the last 7 years now. Its been done by a Hafiz imam of a local masjod as I didnt marry his niece from India so she could come to UK to stay with his wife.
I have used various Peers aamils etc but they all want money and use Jinns.
If sihr can affect our beloved Prophet sallahu alai wasallam, then it can affect anyone.
My advice is to pray 5 times a day, give plenty of sadaqa/zakath, stay away from haram activies, keep pious friends. refrain from backbiting etc.
Also try the various self help such as from this site..
May ALLAH SWT gives as all the strength to beat all this sinful activities and guide all..aameen
Hi my name is Houda I have been afflicted with black magic for several years and I fell an evil effect around me and in my home I have tried everything but no one is willing to help me I don't know who they are but some one told me several people have done something to me and my family it hey said it was cursed hexes vexes envy evil eye and black magic and there has been arguments every day in the home Los of money car accidents car fines and I fell like there's some evil presence in my home and even when I go out I'm in Melbourne Vic so if you know anyone that can help me please reply My daughter is married to Indian man but his got her wrapped around his finger she alloped with him behind my back my daughter is 19 years old and his 28 the Eloped last year he doesn't let her shop or go out with me but she's aloud to go out with his family and they both live with me They don't pay rent or any bills and also we buy the shopping grocery e t c I don't know why he dosent let her be with me and his Keats nagging his got no money and I buy her the dresses and thing like that he dosent buy her anything I don't know what's happening in my lifeor what's going to happen next So reply URGENLEY THANKYOU
Assalamualaikum !!!
sir i have problem of income i did MBA marketing and apply in thousand vacancies but response is less then 1% and no one haire me and then i visit some alams they told someone did magic on u for income and for marriage so please help me and tell me any treatment by islamic way,
i am from Lahore, Pakistan
i was a very happy person in my life and day - by- day trying to settel in life..and my family too..My mother was expired with a sudden death and from then onward each a every family member are in difficulties with endless solutions ....My self for last 2yrs i'm jobless when ever i goes for any interview very soon i will be rejected or soon i used to leave my job automatically....Even my sister was going to get marry a day befor her marriage her marriage was refuced by groom...My father is always involved with difficulties and fell ill & sick.
So, i request u to help me and my family with some TAWEEZ.
Aoa brother, i read your article on internet. Want to ask u some questions. Agar mumkin hai to plz mujhe apna cell number de dain.
Sohaib from rawalpindi
look in ebay taweez for cure.
Thanks for sending amal
Till how many days or months I have to listen. How will I come to know that black magic is over please tell
I m live in Pakistan men bahot problem men ho plz help me
It seems we have alote of man made problems on this earth..may Allah guide us from sorceress
Assaalamu alaykum,
Pleasea help me . I have been under black magic spells from a close family members. They managed to block my way in every respect. I lost my business. My children has astray by their evil.even my finacial situation. Has gone for the worse. I am humbly pleading with you to help me please. Jazakala
Jazakallahu khairen.for your big support
Name -Md. Rafiqul Islam (Dalim),
Mother's name - Mrs. Nurunnahar begum (Futu),
Nick name is familiar to all.
Work-Workless at present(staff reporter ; a less important local newspaper published in Fortnightly ,without pay).
Current location -Dhaka, Bangladesh.
((My family is at permanent location: Vill-Gopinathpur (pagla), union-malihad, p.s-Mirpur, Dist.-kushtia,Bangladesh)).
As salamu alaikum oa rahmatullah ,
I am suffering from magic for long time (more than 15 yrs). The magician spell his magic sentences contiously . Not only that, but also magician orders jin to do magic. Magician utilizes jin for his own work. Not only that but also the magician cast magic by utilizes jin in contious basis THE WHOLE FAMILY of me. I try to remove this magic cast in different religious people at different places in BD. But they are failure .I fully believe & expect , You will remove & reverse this magic.How am i remove & reverse this magic? I expect your co- ordial co-operation.
hello i m going through some serious and a very big problems my family is going through a very hard time my father was killed last year by one of our relatives through kufori and that person is continously doing kufur to my family i believe in Allaha and always try to pray i need some one to help me as last two person who helped our family they died basically they were killed so i m looking for great help ...pls pls pls pls pls pls some pls help me Allaha is helping us thats y we still seeing better days but then also i need some one to help me pls pls pls pls plssssssssss help me .....pls.......THANK YOU>>>
Can you tell me, how many days can I listen this? For more effect from black magic.
hi i am aasif raza, i am from india, i am not getting a govt. job what would i do
I need help, someone has been after my wife for long time, and now he got her, we both live separate and the man goes lives in our house. Please help me if possible...
please amel give me ur number i am suffering from magic spells
Hii.pls help me.mere boyfrnd pe ek ladki ne kalajadu karke mujhse nfrat karwake haasil kiya h.ab wo mujhse nafrat karta hai.aisa koi raasta batao koi surah ya amal jo me padh saku aur uspe kiya jaadu khatam kr saku.
all of you people should download this jalali mp3 for reversal of blackmagic sihr any type of blackmagic it will be reveresed
Hi if you have any black magic just read 7 times suratil Fatiha , 7 times suratil baqara first 5 aya, 7 times ayatil kursi,7 times kafirun,7 times ikhlas,7 time falaq,7 time suratil nas ..blow in the water after each time reading.. for 3 day ..3 times a day .. drink and take shower but not in the toilet..
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